Teacher Self-Care 101


Many of those unfamiliar with the struggles experienced by teachers might assume that their jobs are easy. While many corporate jobs have the luxury of being able to work cross-functionally and create a collaborative work experience, teachers are often left with just themselves and a class of stimulated children. However, the schools that have begun advocating for collaboration and teamwork have created a more supportive work environment for their instructors. Collaboration allows teachers to share resources and ideas, thus reducing workload and improving the quality of instruction. Having a shared collection of teaching resources for inevitable last-minute coverage needs is an excellent example. Additionally, nobody understands classroom struggles better than another teacher at the school. By developing connections with fellow educators, teachers will find confidants when they need to be uplifted and work through challenges. As you continue along the rest of the school year, consider the ways in which collaboration can help you and your teacher peers better maintain your self-care routines. For more information on how to do so, review the resource included alongside this post.

Teacher Self-Care 101

Check out Teacher Self-Care 101, provided by Curriculum Associates; an organization specializing in formative assessment strategies.

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